Who Should Have Their Cardiovascular Health Assessed?

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Heart disease affects approximately 7 million people in the UK, but many of us are unaware that we are living with a cardiovascular condition. Cardiac screening can detect these hidden conditions so that we are able to get treatment. It can also reveal who is at risk of developing heart disease in the future, which can enable us to take steps to prevent these kinds of problems. Should you have your cardiovascular health assessed to find out if you could be affected?

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Are There Any Risks with Health Screening?

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Complete Health Screening uses a selection of different tests to assess your risk of problems such as cardiovascular disease and to detect signs of conditions such as high blood pressure that might require treatment. Screening can reveal a lot about your health. In many cases, it will show that you are healthy, but there is a chance that a health problem could be detected.

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What Do the Results of a Carotid Doppler Scan Mean?

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The carotid Doppler scan is a special type of ultrasound that can be used to check for blockages in the blood vessels that supply your brain. If these arteries are narrowed or blocked then it can increase the chances that you will have a stroke. You may require treatment if a problem is detected during the carotid Doppler scan in order to reduce this risk and ensure a good blood supply for your brain.

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Could You Recognise the Signs of Thyroid Cancer?

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Thyroid cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer that affects the thyroid gland in the throat, which is responsible for producing the hormones that control our metabolism. Despite the fact that thyroid cancer frequently affects people in their 30s, many younger people in London are unaware of the symptoms. Raising awareness of thyroid cancer is important as it will ensure that more people have the thyroid function tests, ultrasound scans and other tests that can diagnose this condition. Thyroid cancer can usually be treated very successfully as long as it is detected in time.

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Could Wearable Tech Predict Help With Stroke Treatment?

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If you have experienced a stroke, you will be aware of how much technology can help with your care. You will probably have had many scans and tests such as the carotid Doppler scan to assess your condition and the risk of having another stroke. However, experts are developing new technology that could soon be providing even more information about your health. While the carotid Doppler scan and other assessments can already provide useful information, anything that adds to our understanding of your health will always be a good thing. Continue reading Could Wearable Tech Predict Help With Stroke Treatment?