When Is a Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan Needed?

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Although most people think of an abdominal pregnancy scan when they think about ultrasound, we actually perform a range of different ultrasound scans at our clinic in London. One of these is the transvaginal scan, which can get clearer pictures of structures such as your ovaries that don’t show up well on an abdominal scan.


Diagnostic Ultrasound Scans

Transvaginal ultrasound scans are most often performed at our London clinic in order to investigate gynaecological symptoms. We might recommend a transvaginal scan if you are experiencing pelvic pain or unusual bleeding. We can also use ultrasound to diagnose or evaluate gynaecological conditions such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis or ovarian cysts. We can also perform an ultrasound to investigate the causes of fertility problems or to check on an IUD that has been causing issues.

Transvaginal Ultrasound Scans During Pregnancy

Although the routine scans carried out during pregnancy at our London clinic are usually conducted through your abdomen, there are some occasions when a transvaginal scan is needed. If you are having an early pregnancy scan, before the usual first scan at 12 weeks, it might need to be done transvaginally so that we can get a good picture of your baby. A transvaginal scan might also be needed if you are experiencing spotting, pain or other symptoms, or if we want to check for certain kinds of health problems, such as abnormalities affecting the placenta, uterus or other structures.

Having a Transvaginal Ultrasound

If you need to have a transvaginal scan in London, you won’t need to prepare for the test. Unlike an abdominal pregnancy scan, there is no need to come in with a full bladder. It is actually best to empty your bladder at the clinic, just before your scan. You will then be asked to undress and lie down with your knees raised. The sterile ultrasound probe will then be carefully inserted into your vagina. It shouldn’t hurt, but it may feel a bit uncomfortable.