Who Should Have Sports Screening?

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Heart screening can be beneficial for everyone, but if you are an active person it might be a good idea to consider a more specialised form of screening instead. Sports screening at the Cardiac Screen clinic in London is designed for fit and active people who want to perform at their best. The screening package includes tests that can detect potential risks that could affect you while you exercise. The results can also help you to improve your performance and keep yourself healthy while you work out.

sports screening athelets

Sports screening could be particularly important if you fall into one of the following groups:

Young Athletes

Sports screening is often recommended for younger athletes who are engaging in competitive sports. Screening can detect issues such as heart problems that could be triggered by exercise, before they cause problems.

Older Athletes

The risk of heart disease increases as we grow older, so if you are a mature athlete it can be a good idea to visit the clinic in London for sports screening. The screening tests can detect problems such as high blood pressure that need to be managed so that you can exercise safely.

New Athletes

Even if you aren’t a serious athlete, it can be a good idea to visit the London clinic for screening. If you are hoping to get fit or returning to sport after a long break, it is a good idea to have a check up first. The doctor can check for any health issues that could affect you when you increase your activity levels. You can also get advice on exercising safely.

Competitive Athletes

The more serious you are about your sport, the more important it is to undergo screening as you will be placing a great strain on your body. Sports screening may even be required in order to enter certain competitions.