How to Take Care of Your Heart Health

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You can do a lot to take care of your heart and reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular problems in the future. Even if you just start by making a few simple changes, you should soon start to feel healthier and more in control of your health. You might find it easier to make more or bigger changes once you’ve succeeded with some small ones first.

Cut Out Your Bad Habits

Smoking is one of the most harmful things you can do to your heart. Giving up smoking can make a significant difference to your chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Other bad habits that can be harmful for your heart include drinking too much alcohol and overindulging in unhealthy foods. Cutting back is a great way to take care of your heart.

Manage Your Stress

Stress can take a heavy toll on your physical health. It can make you more likely to indulge in your bad habits, temporarily raises your blood pressure, and can trigger certain heart conditions such as arrhythmias if you are at risk. You should try to eliminate sources of stress in your life, when possible, or find ways of managing them. Talking about your worries, practising mindfulness, or setting some time aside to relax or do something you enjoy can help.

Lose Any Excess Weight

Being overweight can increase your chances of developing cardiovascular problems but you can reduce the risk by reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. It can be a good idea to focus on eating well so that you can achieve this goal steadily rather than trying to rush it with a strict diet. Try to make changes that you’ll be able to stick to in the long term in order to keep your heart and body healthy.

Keep Active

Exercise is great for your heart. As well as helping you to lose any extra weight, regular physical activity can strengthen your heart, improve blood flow, and help reduce blood pressure. Most people should aim to exercise for at least 150 minutes a week, but you should ask your doctor for advice if you have any health problems or you’re new to exercising. Good activities for your heart including walking, swimming, jogging, and cycling, but there are plenty of other types of exercise that can help to get your heart pumping. You should gradually increase the amount and intensity of exercise as you get fitter.

Understand Your Cardiac Risks

Following these general tips on cardiac care will help everyone, but you can also get more personalised advice through heart screening. Cardiac Screen can check for any underlying issues such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure that could increase the chances of developing certain conditions. We’ll provide personalised advice on what you can do to address the specific risk factors identified during screening. Cardiac screening tests can also detect any hidden heart problems that might need treatment to prevent them from becoming worse. We’ll provide all the cardiac care you need to look after your heart.

How Can You Avoid a Stroke?

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Stroke is the third most common cause of death in the UK. We all need to be aware of the signs and what to do if someone is having a stroke. However, we should also be taking steps to protect ourselves by reducing the risk of strokes. Up to 90% of strokes could have been prevented so we need to know how to avoid it.

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Could New Blood Tests Help With Heart Screening?

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Heart screening often includes blood tests to measure your cholesterol levels, but new types of heart tests could soon be available that could provide additional information about your health. Although it will be a while before these new heart tests become available in London, they may one day help to make cardiac screening even more effective than it is now.  Continue reading Could New Blood Tests Help With Heart Screening?

Types of Heart Screening

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Screening tests can reveal problems with your health, even before they start to cause symptoms. Different types of screening tests are available to check for different issues and you can also choose a screening package designed for specific purposes. Your doctor can recommend the types of heart screening that are most suitable for you.

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Coping With Nerves When You Need a Heart Test

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One of the important things to remember about having a heart test at our London clinic is that the tests we perform are safe, non invasive, and painless. There is nothing to worry about when it comes to the procedure itself and your doctor can explain exactly what to expect if you’re nervous. If you’re still worried, here are some tips to help you stay calm when waiting for or having a cardiac test. Continue reading Coping With Nerves When You Need a Heart Test

Why Do Athletes Need Heart Screening?

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We all know that exercise is good for our hearts, so it can seem strange that those of us who live active lives can be in need of heart screening. However, it is important to remember that when you are working out your heart is working hard too. Sports screening in London can protect you from heart attacks, arrhythmia’s, sudden cardiac death, and other serious heart problems that can be triggered by physical activity.

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